Leupold® Celebrates All-American Craftsmanship with a Gift

September 2, 2014 |
Leupold® Celebrates All-American Craftsmanship with a Gift
BEAVERTON, Ore. – Leupold, America’s Optics Authority®, is celebrating American craftsmanship with an All-American promotion for customers.

From September 1 to October 15, 2014, Leupold will send a Limited Edition, American-made Carhartt jacket, featuring the Leupold medallion embroidered on the chest, to everyone who buys an American-made VX®-3, VX-3L™ or VX-6 riflescope.

This distinctive jacket will only be produced during this promotion and will not be available for sale anywhere. Once the promotion ends, this collector’s item will be gone.

“Leupold is a uniquely American company,” said Bruce Pettet, CEO and president of Leupold & Stevens, Inc. “We’re proud of that fact and want to celebrate the American employees who design, machine and assemble our riflescopes right here in Beaverton, Oregon.”

Featuring the Golden Ring® Full Lifetime Warranty, Leupold riflescopes are covered for the life of the product. Our Oregon-based tech services team and repair facility will either repair your Leupold product or replace it free.

For additional product and warranty information, please go to HYPERLINK “http://www.leupold.com” www.leupold.com.

Join the discussion on our Facebook page, HYPERLINK “http://www.facebook.com/LeupoldOptics” www.facebook.com/LeupoldOptics or on Twitter at HYPERLINK “http://www.twitter.com/LeupoldOptics” www.twitter.com/LeupoldOptics.

Leupold & Stevens, Inc., the preeminent American-founded and American-owned optics company, employs more than 600 people in its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility near Beaverton, Oregon. Family owned and privately operated, Leupold offers products that are sold worldwide to hunters, competitive shooters, American military warfighters, law enforcement personnel, wildlife observers, and golfers. The product lines include rifle, handgun and spotting scopes; binoculars; rangefinders; mounting systems; and optical tools and accessories.

Contact: Patrick Mundy
(503) 526-1467

Allen Forkner
Swanson Russell
(402) 437-6428
– See more at: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/327481#sthash.ECSrRa3F.dpuf


Hornady Calls for Action Against HSUS Anti-hunting Petition

July 24, 2014

Hornady Calls for Action Against HSUS Anti-hunting Petition

Call Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and tell her to reject the HSUS petition that threatens hunting on public lands!
Call 202-208-3181 and email our pre-written letter to voice your objection.

The future of hunting is under attack! Hornady® Manufacturing urges firearms owners, hunters and sportsmen to call Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and demand she reject a petition filed by the HSUS that seeks to ban hunting with traditional ammunition on public lands.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), anti-hunting groups, and five individual sportsmen have teamed up to file a petition with the Interior Department demanding rules that ban hunting with traditional ammunition on public lands – more than 160 million acres of federal lands managed by the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. That’s one-fifth of the total land area in the United States.

Weighing in at a hefty 50 pages, this petition is rife with emotional statements based on fuzzy science, and fails to make the case that using traditional ammunition threatens wildlife or humans in such a way as to justify eliminating it altogether. It claims prohibiting lead ammunition should be an easy accomplishment since non-lead alternatives are available. But this is nothing more than a back-door way to ban hunting altogether, by making the sport of hunting in America cost prohibitive. Once the rules change with regard to traditional ammunition on public land, it opens the floodgates for over-reaching restrictions on hunting as a whole.

Tell Interior Secretary Sally Jewell how this petition falls short on reason and logic:

It lacks sound science to support banning the traditional hunting ammunition used by hunters for centuries.
It is another attempt by the HSUS to ban hunting altogether.
The adverse impact of traditional ammunition upon wildlife has not been substantiated to the point of necessitating such a drastic move.
There is no evidence that consuming game taken with traditional ammunition poses a human health risk to hunters and their families.
Approving this ban would reduce the 11% excise taxes currently raised from the sale of traditional ammunition, which is used to support wildlife conservation. A ban of traditional ammunition would harm the very animals HSUS claims to protect.


Here is a list of the groups filing this petition:
Humane Society of the United States
Fund for Animals
Defenders of Wildlife
Natural Resources Defense Council
Wildlife Conservation Society
International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association
South Florida Wildlife Center
Chocolay Raptor Center
Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition
Northwood Alliance
National Wolfwatcher Coalition
Five individual sportsmen, including Judd Hanna, former California Fish and Game commissioner

The truth has been clearly revealed. HSUS and its ilk want to ban hunting altogether. Don’t let them succeed. Call your officials today:
Dept. of Interior Office of Communications: 202-208-6416
Dept. of Interior Executive Office: 202-208-3181
Interior Secretary Sally Jewell at 202-208-3181 or submit a letter and demand the rejection of the HSUS petition.

Hornady Manufacturing | 3625 W Old Potash Hwy | Grand Island, NE 68803 US
– See more at: http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/324409#sthash.3iKeIYZj.dpuf


Do you have what it takes to be a Michigan hunter?

So, you chose Michigan to call home, and you want to be a HUNTER? Well, no matter the horror stories you may have heard, allow me to assure you that it can be done. From beautiful whitetail deer, furred up coyotes and red or grey fox, to the smallest squirrels and rabbits, Michigan has what you are looking for. It might take extra effort in a lot of ways, but that is what makes it so rewarding.

The first thing you will have to determine, is what animal you want to target. If you are a deer hunter, like myself, you know that deer need food, and they need cover. These things can be found anywhere in the state, but you need to dig a bit deeper. Are you going to be one of the state land hunters, or will you be finding a piece of private land? Stand land can be found in basically every county in the state, and with a little bit of work you can find some tremendous hunting sanctuaries. You need to get away from the beaten path, and believe you me, there are literally beaten paths throughout most of the public hunting grounds in Michigan. So many hunters choose the easy way, to walk from their vehicle into the woods, only a few hundred yards and then plopping down against a tree. Can they be successful? Absolutely. The old saying, “Even a blind squirrel will find a nut eventually,” holds true in this situation. With the state land that I target, there are always gun hunters, dressed in full orange suits and hats, walking the woods doing deer drives. This can help the hunter I mentioned above, as deer will need to find a way out. Their only way out might be to cross this hunter, sitting against a tree. And maybe that is all you are looking for. But do you want it to be this easy? Or are you willing to, quite possibly, go the extra mile? Go deeper into the woods than most will, scout harder for that tell tale sign of a good mature deer, and determine exactly what you need to do to harvest the majestic beast?

Nine times out of ten, you will not find a mature buck laying right off the roadway, watching cars drive by and hunters walk past. They will seek out cover that is as far away as they think they need to get, and you will need to find this. Mature deer DO exist in this great state, no matter the stories you have heard. Each and every season there are new deer being added to the record books, but it is seldom done by the hundred yard from the truck tree sitter. It is achieved only by the hunter that is willing to put in the work, sweat during the hot summer months while scouting, and pay attention to mother nature.

Private land, although my favorite to hunt, is growing harder and harder to access. Landowners live in fear of someone having an accident on their land, and coming after them in court for it. Although they were kind enough to give a hunter permission, this is all too common. Unfortunately many landowners will not allow hunters to access their land due to liability fears. There is a great way to solve this. I, as well as a few others I know, carry Liability Release Forms. Legally binding, this form states that you cannot hold liable a landowner in the event of an accident. Pretty simple way to relieve the fear of a landowner, and it works.

Secondly, many landowners have been bitten by the bad hunter bug a time or two in their life. They allow a hunter to access, and that hunter assumes they are allowed back forever. This is not always the case. Sometimes they may want you there only for one season. The only way to be sure is to ask, year after year. It can be hard to hear that you are not welcome a second or third year, but it needs to be respected. The landowner pays all of the taxes and other fees that come with owning the land, and they should not be taken for granted.

One thing I always do to maintain permission on a piece of property is to make sure I am always willing to give a hand. Landowners understand the value of hard work, and they understand the importance of family. Most the time they will understand if you have prior commitments that do not allow you to come out and help when they need it, but you need to be sure you do what you can, when you can. The landowner where I hunt is perfectly happy when I come for a visit, weather it be to do some farm work, hang some stands, or whatever reason. I always make sure to sit and talk with him about anything that may arise, from family to work or hunting. They don’t want you to only show up when it’s time to hunt. They appreciate when you offer to help bail hay, or cut fire wood. Long story short, do not use them for what they have, do not abuse their land, but show your appreciation. This is all it will take to maintain permission for years to come.

Now that you have located where you would like to hunt, it is time to figure out how you are going to hunt it. Our best friend, in my opinion, is the trail camera. Hang it once and leave it alone for a week, month, or few months if need be. When you go back to check it, pictures, or lack thereof, will tell you if your gut instinct was right. I am fortunate enough to hunt land where the landowner allows me to till up part of his hayfield to plant a small, yet effective, food plot. One of our Primos cameras hangs over this plot the entire year. It tells us when the deer are using the field, time of day, temperature, and moon phase. All these things can be used to create the plan. Honestly, if you see that deer are using a certain location only in the evening, are you going to hunt it during the morning, or do you use that information to locate a stand location for morning hunts?


Now that you have the proof you need to start hunting, it is time to enjoy what Michigan has to offer. Hang your stand, I prefer months before season opening, where you feel would be the best spot to intercept the deer you are after. The deer above managed to elude us the entire season, however that can be blamed on my lack of patience. With a growing family at home, choices are made to wait for a specific animal, or take what you can, when you can. This buck showed up almost daily on camera, and was always closer and closer to being in daylight hours. However, I chose to fill my tags on different deer, in order to be able to spend more time with family. But, if you want it, you have to hold out.

Watch the weather. Mother Nature can make you or break you. She will throw you a curve ball when you are hoping for a slow pitch. But eventually, that west wind you have waited for since October 1 will come, and you can climb into that stand. The woods are beautiful during a Michigan fall. Leaves change colors, and even the smell of the woods change. The crunching of dry leaves will get your’ blood pumping if you are truly a sportsman. The weather will change, from warm afternoons in a treestand, to frigid temperatures that nearly require a heating blanket and a wood stove. But that, is Michigan. There is nothing more gorgeous than watching the sun come up over a frost blanketed field, or watching a fawn nurse on its mother as the sun sets over a beautiful green field.

If you want to hunt in Michigan, you need to be mentally, and physically prepared. From scouting in the preseason on land you have decided to hunt, to climbing down from your perch on the final night of deer season. It wont take but a single season to figure out that this aint no walk in the woods, but it is absolutely worth it in the end.

Good luck this season. Have fun with your friends and family. Get kids involved so that we may always have sportsman running the woods of Michigan. And always remember that, in the end, it is the memories that count.

“Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forest and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.” –   Fred Bear

7 pt


The right optic choice, so many options!

This winter, when I received my escort shotgun from Tools of the Trade, the hunt began for a good, quality optic. But where do you begin in this quest? There are a million and one choices, from standard iron sights, to the insanely high end with all the bells and whistles that perhaps only an IT genius would ever get figured out. But for a shotgun, the extra “necessities” of high zoom, eye relief, crystal clear, night vision heat seeking scopes was not needed. At least, not for a guy like myself.

First up to try was an eotech knockoff. It looked the same, weighed the same, and heck. even smelled the same. But was it? After the simple installation, it only took a few shots to figure out that this was NOT going to work for me. The Holographic sight came with a quick release for attaching to a picatinny rail which was spring loaded, and tension adjustable with a screw on the outside. After setting to where I though was tight enough, and 5 shots later, the scope was no longer holding tightly. Easy enough, tighten it a bit more and try again. This was not the case. 5 shots later, and it was loose again. After a few bad words and a call to my buddy, I tried it once more, with the same results. Most likely this was just not made for the recoil a 12 gauge pushing 3 inch fur droppers can put out. So back to the books we went.

Second try was a cheap, simple BSA optic reflex sight. This did not have the quick release, however 2 bolts holding it on. And it held on, and was quick to get zeroed in on my shotgun. Shot after shot, the sight held true to the rail. I was smiling, so I decided it was time to try it in the woods.

The first trip was a good one. The sight was still on the gun, but no coyotes or fox presented themselves to give it the true test. I placed the gun back into the hard case to head off to spot number 2. When I arrived, I took the gun out and ventured to the small field set back into the woods. As I always do when I arrive, I turned on the sight to make sure everything was good, and to my surprise, it was not. The red dot had made its way from center to high left side. And without a way to quickly adjust the sight, the gun was set on my lap and not picked up again the entire day. This BSA was not going to be for me either, because I cannot explain in words how upset I would be to pull up on an incoming predator and notice that my sight was no longer where it needed to be.

I had recently been to a small sports show and been speaking with a gentlemen about his choice sight for a shotgun. He said I HAD to try out this sight, a Sight Mark Ultra Shot QD. They could be had for cheap, and installed like a breeze. He had a new, fancy shotgun sitting there with this sight installed, and said it had seen its abuse, but never failed him. I was thinking, “yea right, everybody says that about a product they are trying to push”, but I decided maybe I would give it a try.

I finally was able to locate them. This sight can be purchased through Tools of the Trade Sales and Service for about $115,  and it really DOES install like a breeze. It has stayed tight after the quick first installation, and has not left the zero from where I originally set it. It has taken some abuse, mostly just popping water jugs and wooden targets at the range, but also bouncing around in a case, and smacking things on the way into and out of the woods. This is a reflex sight, not a holographic like an eotech, but lets face it, this simply is NOT an eotech.  It is much cheaper, and perhaps will not last as long or be as reliable for as long a time as a high priced sight, but for the money I have been very happy with it. I have not gotten a chance to take any predators down with it, but hopefully this summer will be the time to properly break it in.


Need ammo? check out this page.




This page is an excellent source for finding in stock and best price ammo, you can select by caliber, gauge, and even parts.

You are also able to set up alerts that will email you when your selected ammo is in stock at a price point you can select.

Has worked well for me and wanted to pass it along.



Two coyotes, 1 day and many memories

It was Sunday morning, March 23. The weather was just about perfect for a day of coyote calling, and that is exactly what I was planning to do.
The first stand was gorgeous. The small field I would be overlooking was full of deer when I arrived, and I felt this was a positive sign, as deer know to use the wind to their advantage when they choose where to feed. They cleared the field when I walked around the corner, and the sounds of breaking branches and snorting deer was enough to make me wonder if they had taken every other living creature with them.
I decided to set up anyways, video camera, shotgun, rifle, and FoxPro doing the work. The wind was slight, blowing right to left, towards where I had just walked in. Assuming nothing would approach from that area, I set facing the left, hoping a coyote would come from where the deer had gone, and circle in front of me into the open, making for an easy shot.
Group howls played loud and clear on the FoxPro, breaking the crisp morning air. The sound of the first call of the morning was a beautiful thing, and my heart was pumping with anticipation. After a minute, I hit the mute button, allowing coyote pair howls to flow from the hellfire speaker. The sound is amazing..yet bone chilling at the same time.
The video camera was running as a very loud sandhill crane made its way across the sky above me. I panned the camera to the sky to catch a glimpse of what nature has to offer all of us outdoor enthusiasts. As I began to pan back towards the earths surface, I caught a glimpse of a large bodied coyote running towards me, yet still following the tree line. As fast as I saw him, he turned to head the opposite way. Immediately my instinct told me to play some puppy distress, and it worked like magic. The large male came barreling over a small hill, directly towards the FoxPro hanging from a branch 30 yards to my right.
As the coyote came closer and closer, the choice of which gun to pick up was bouncing through my head. When he stopped moving, the decision was made much easier, and I lifted my Ruger MK2 model 77 243 to my shoulder, placed the crosshairs on the big male, and pulled the trigger. The crack of the powder propelling the 95 grain Sierra matchking down the barrel was followed by a hollow thud. The coyote was down, just about 100yards from me


coyote 1 down

The damage from the bullet was much greater than I had hoped or expected, but Kevin Rought and I decided that possibly I hit a bone, and that caused the bullet to expand more than normal.

After skinning this coyote and getting cleaned up, Kevin and I went to see what we could call in together. We made a few sets through the afternoon with no luck, normal for Michigan predator hunting. But as darkness began to creep its way over us, Kevin decided we needed to make one more stand at last light in an area he had previously called in a triple, but could not get a shot.

We arrived at the location, and immediately found tracks that we assumed were from earlier in the morning. The tracks were headed into a small, yet very deep, ravine. Kevin decided where we needed to set up, so I got my gear together and set while he placed his FoxPro firestorm and Mojo decoy in front of us. My video camera was set to capture the memory of two friends doing what they loved to do, hopefully successfully.

Kevin let out a few short howls with his FoxPro, and shortly after we had a group of coyotes howling at us from what sounded like a few hundred yards away, in the next fence line past the ravine. He again let out a few howls, and the wait was on. No coyotes replied, vocally at least.

After what seemed like 15 minutes(which actually was about 2 minutes) I heard Kevin whisper “We got coyotes coming.” My eyes began to do their dance, in search of the movement that Kevin had seen. Finally on the left of us, a single coyote made his way into the field. Followed by a second, which was then followed by a third.  This was the first time I had ever had 3 coyotes in front of me. I have had doubles and plenty of singles, but 3 was almost a myth, no different than the Rugaru in Louisiana, or Godzilla in Japan. My heart began pumping out of its chest, as they slowly made their way towards us.

triple coming

When they had finally made their way into a good spot that we could each make a shot, Kevin let out a few simple, quiet, coaxing lip squeaks. Almost immediately the last coyote to enter the field turned and became the first coyote to leave. The others stood there, the lead coyote holding its paw off the ground. Instantly I thought that they were ready to turn and bolt, so I whispered “take the one on the right.” Kevin had heard me whisper, and simultaneously, we pulled the slack from our triggers. The left coyote began its death dance, while the second kicked up smoke in the snow, turning on its afterburners to exit the field. A few more shots were fired, and we had one down. Video footage proves the excitement we were feeling, as words were shared as well as high fives and hand shakes.

1 out of three.

After inspecting this male coyote, we discovered that the 95 grain sierra matchking had also put a very large hole in the hide. The fur on this coyote was beautiful, very thick and very light colored. Unfortunately, the hole was big enough to put a hand or two inside, and that is not what we like to see for fur friendly ammunition. The decision was made that I needed to find another round, something that would either hold together without expanding, or immediately fragment to allow maximum devastation, with little fur damage.

During the week of May 25-30, I will be in New Mexico hunting with a living legend in the coyote hunting world, and I will be testing 3 different loads. First will be a 58 grain VMAX, by Winchester, second will be the Hornady Superformance Varmint 58 grain vmax, and third will be Hornady 3″ Heavy Magnum Coyote BB load for my new Escort 12 gauge, purchased from Tools of the Trade. I will do another, hopefully picture heavy, write up at that time.


Want to test your ability to survive a Zombie apocalypse?

MTC Zombie event

Zombie Survival

A test of skill, endurance, preparation and mind set.

Non-Member Fee : $75.00
Member Fee :$60.00

At The Door
Non-Member Fee : $100.00
Member Fee :$80.00

Apocalypse Date: May 24th

Event Description

This event will hone your pre existing innate abilities needed to survive the upcoming zombie apocalypse. Vampires and werewolf’s are legend, but the zombie outbreak is just a matter of time.

The unknown events of this catastrophe will run through the day, and into the night. Bring guns, ammo, your Go-Bag and nerves of steel. You will be thrust into several life or death scenarios which will have your survivor group providing long range standoff distance, shooting and moving to save survivors, scavenging for supplies, delivering blunt force trauma, using make shift field weapons and fighting for every square inch to save your survivor group from the walking dead, bands of marauders, and nature’s fury.

You think you will enjoy the zombie apocalypse – by the end of the night you will be wondering “who is hunting who?” Global Independent, LLC is not responsible for scrapes, cuts, bump, bruises, or any highly contagious infectious diseases which may occur during this training event.

Start building your 4-5 person teams now, or come alone and join other survivors. Each survivor should bring a primary and secondary firearm of choice and your E&E Bug-Out-Bag. Teams should be balanced with precision rifles, carbines and handguns (a shotgun never hurts either). Be warned, be prepared, be ready.

Gear List

Weapon of choice with plenty of ammo for each zombie engagement.

Precision Rife with sling or carry bag
Holster for pistol, mag pouches
Sling for carbine, mag pouches
Shot gun
Ammo Allotment: How much would you pack in your Bug-Out-Bag? How much can you carry realistically? There may be a resupply scenario, so bring a little extra.

Personal Bug-Out-Bag with basic essentials to survive

Water (container)
Change of cloths
Med Kit
Signal device
Fire starter (flint & steel or magnesium stick)

Will to live

Camp chair
Sun screen/bug spray
Suitable clothing for outdoor training
Snacks and beverages


Real world bullet performance 95gr Vmax 6.5 Grendel.

I intend to do a series of posts regarding real world performance of various cartridges on various game.
As such if you are squeamish or an Anti Hunter stop reading now, and don’t come back : )
My plan is to do as many cartridges and varied game as I and my field staff can do.
coming soon we have a couple of different .243 loads for varmints/predators that will be getting some use out in New Mexico, coyote and deer hunting in MI and if we are lucky bobcat, wolf and fox as well.
Planning on getting testing on .243, .22-250, 6.5 Grendel, .223 and more to come.
So with that said here is the 1st report.
Load used 6.5 Grendel 95gr Hornady Vmax loaded to a velocity of 2740 using Hodgdon 8208xbr and CCI primers with hornady brass.
this load groups 1/2 inch in my custom built AR15.

I recently had to opportunity to partake in a coyote hunt in Indiana to help a farm get rid of excess coyotes, we had a great hunt (for one day) weather was nice in the 75 degree range. the terrain was hilly and thick with some open fields. spring had sprung but the leaves weren’t fully open so visibility wasn’t too bad.
we started off before daylight making call sets.
On our forth set we had action
the set was myself and the land owner watching a gully and far hill side, the caller set up behind and to our left around the hill corner upwind, he was running a FoxPro caller.

the caller started with group howls, time was approx 1120 AM.

at the 4 minute mark a male coyote came in from across the gully from us, he was being casual, and looked directly at us (mainly the landowner off to my right) a couple of times, and would stop and look then keep coming, he started to cut around the hill towards the caller, if he kept going he would be too close to the hill for me to see him, so at 50yds I barked, he stopped looking right at me, and I took the shot, watching him drop through the scope.


this was an instant kill which the 95 gr vmax has given me before. And I like it.

the entrance was clean


and the exit was nice too, no big blow out.


making performance great for being fur friendly.

I will continue to use this rounds and hopefully get some longer shots, I expect on some longer shots I wont get a pass through/exit, but should provide one shot drops provided proper shot placement.


So that’s my 1st report more to come.



Remington Arms Announces Voluntary Recall, Urges Model 700 and Model Seven Owners to Take Immediate Action

April 15, 2014 |
Remington Arms Announces Voluntary Recall, Urges Model 700 and Model Seven Owners to Take Immediate Action
Madison, N.C. – Remington Arms Company, LLC (“Remington”) today announced a voluntary recall of Model 700TM and Model SevenTM rifles with X-Mark Pro® (“XMP®”) triggers, manufactured from May 1, 2006 to April 9, 2014.

Senior Remington engineers determined that some Model 700 and Model Seven rifles with XMP triggers could, under certain circumstances, unintentionally discharge.


Remington’s investigation determined that some XMP triggers might have excess bonding agent used in the assembly process, which could cause an unintentional discharge. Therefore, Remington is recalling ALL affected products to fully inspect and clean the XMP triggers with a specialized process.

Remington has advised customers to immediately cease use of recalled rifles and return them to Remington free of charge. The rifles will be inspected, specialty cleaned, tested, and returned as soon as possible. Do not attempt to diagnose or repair recalled rifles.

Remington established a dedicated website and toll-free hotline to help consumers determine whether their Model 700 or Model Seven rifle(s) are subject to recall:

• Website: http://xmprecall.remington.com
• Toll-Free Hotline: 1-800-243-9700 (Prompt #3 then Prompt #1) Monday through

Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT.

The website and hotline provide guidance on returning recalled rifles free of charge.

“Remington takes safety extremely seriously,” said Teddy Novin, Director of Public Affairs and Communications. “While we have the utmost confidence in the design of the XMP trigger, we are undertaking this recall in the interest of customer safety, to remove any potential excess bonding agent applied in the assembly process. We have established significant safety and technical resources to determine which rifles are affected and to minimize any risks. Our goal is to have every recalled firearm inspected, specialty cleaned, tested and returned as soon as possible.”

“We’re putting our customers and their safety first by voluntarily recalling all potentially affected rifles. We also want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety,” Novin concluded.

The Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety

Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.

Firearms should be unloaded when not actually in use.

Don’t rely on your gun’s safety.

Be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.

Use proper ammunition.

If your gun fails to fire when the trigger is pulled, handle with care.

Always wear eye and ear protection when shooting.

Be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions before shooting.

Don’t alter or modify your gun and have it serviced regularly.

Learn the mechanical and handling characteristics of the firearm you are using.

Remington is informing consumers through a broad range of communications channels, including media outreach, targeted advertising and digital media.


PRODUCTS: Remington Arms Company, LLC (“Remington”) is voluntarily recalling Remington Model 700TM and Model SevenTM rifles with X-Mark Pro® (“XMP®”) triggers, manufactured from May 1, 2006 to April 9, 2014.

DESCRIPTION OF THE HAZARD: Remington has determined that some Model 700 and Model Seven rifles with XMP triggers could, under certain circumstances, unintentionally discharge. A Remington investigation has determined that some XMP triggers might have excess bonding agent used in the assembly process. While Remington has the utmost confidence in the design of the XMP trigger, it is undertaking this recall in the interest of consumer safety to remove any potential excess bonding agent applied in the assembly process.

HOW TO DETERMINE IF YOUR RIFLE IS SUBJECT TO THE RECALL: Only Model 700 and Model Seven rifles with XMP triggers are being recalled. To determine if your rifle is subject to this recall, you should take the following steps:

I. Find the rifle’s serial number where the barrel meets the receiver.

For a right-handed rifle, the serial number is located on a user’s left.

For a left-handed rifle, the serial number is located on a user’s right.

Identify the serial number and provide it to Remington’s recall support team, either by entering it at xmprecall.remington.com or calling 1-800-243-9700 (Prompt #3 then Prompt #1) Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT. You will be informed if your rifle is affected by this recall and supported with free resources to return the rifle for inspection and specialized cleaning.

You may also determine if your rifle is subject to the recall by a visual inspection.

1) If the face of the trigger is ribbed (see Photo (1) below), your rifle does not have an XMP trigger and is NOT subject to this recall.

2) If the face of the trigger is smooth (see Photo (2) below), your rifle has an XMP trigger and IS subject to this recall – in which case you should immediately seek further assistance at xmprecall.remington.com or by calling 1-800-243-9700 (Prompt #3 then Prompt #1) Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT.

REMEDY/ACTION TO BE TAKEN: STOP USING YOUR RIFLE. Any unintended discharge has the potential to cause injury or death. Immediately cease use of recalled rifles and return them to Remington free of charge. Rifles will be inspected, specialty cleaned, tested, and returned as soon as possible, at no cost to you. DO NOT attempt to diagnose or repair recalled rifles.

TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS RECALL PROGRAM: For your safety, STOP USING YOUR RIFLE and immediately contact Remington.

To participate in the recall, please follow the instructions below:



Visit xmprecall.remington.com or call 1-800-243-9700 (Prompt #3 then Prompt #1) Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT. You will be asked to provide your name, address, telephone number, and rifle(s) serial number.

Upon receipt of the information requested in Step 1, Remington will send you pre-paid shipping tags, boxes and written instructions. Remington will cover all related shipping, inspection, and cleaning charges. Please ONLY return your rifle with the designated shipping tags and boxes, as they are marked to expedite the rifle to a dedicated Remington facility.

VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION: Upon return of your rifle, you will note a punch mark on the bolt release (see Photo 3 below). This mark confirms your rifle has been inspected and specialty cleaned under this recall program.

Remington has also corrected the XMP trigger assembly process to eliminate this problem in rifles made after April 9, 2014. Rifles made after April 9, 2014 will also have a punch mark on the bolt release.

Even after your rifle has been inspected and repaired under this recall program, always follow the Ten Commandments of Firearm safety, printed below, whenever you handle any firearm.

The Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety

Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.

Firearms should be unloaded when not actually in use.

Don’t rely on your gun’s safety.

Be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.

Use proper ammunition.

If your gun fails to fire when the trigger is pulled, handle with care.

Always wear eye and ear protection when shooting.

Be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions before shooting.

Don’t alter or modify your gun and have it serviced regularly.

Learn the mechanical and handling characteristics of the firearm you are using.

Remington is deeply sorry for this inconvenience, but we believe in safety first. It is imperative that Model 700 and Model Seven rifles subject to this recall are not used until they have been inspected and specialty cleaned by Remington.

The Remington team is committed to the quality and safety of its products.
